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Birthday Mug

Hello there sweethearts,
Have you ever gone to a gift shop looking for a birthday present and accidentally you came across those birthday mug gifts. Those mugs that have details such as BIRTHDAY DATE AND HOROSCOPE. OMG! Then you start searching one of those cute mugs for your friend. However, sadly it was out stock or the design was not cute and not attractive enough.

Happy Birthday Zaid Arif! (Name)
13th April (Birthday date)
Aries (Horoscope)
(These are all the information that we need to print your one of a kind birthday mug)
RM20 each

We will put 5-10 cute designs for you to choose from.

Design 1 (The sample design ,we will add more designs weekly)

Give us 5-7 days to complete your mug.

Orders can be made from the official website ok?

For the time being, don't hesitate to email us if you want to ask anything?
We love to hear from you!
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Finally Chumbilabila has its own twitter account. If you happened to have a twitter account come and follow us by clicking this link FOLLOW US. Thank You !

New personalised car sticker printing service is coming your way!